Undettered faith of 22 years old girl makes her dream come true! #i3_story
Thanks to the #i3 Platform, i often get a chance to meet thousands of youth, listen to them, understand them & coach them to the best of my abilities. I personally get inspired by a lot of youth for the audacious steps that they take to achieve thier dreams! This is a narrative of one such brave girl who has got knocked down by challenges of life, but has stood up show them that she can't be shaken... Before you read on , try to imagine yourself in her shoes. I could see a spark in her eyes to achieve some thing in this world. As she became a part of our platforms - iU 1010 & i3 , i understood that her ambition is not just to settle for normal life. She wanted to make it BIG in her career. She wanted to smell SUCCESS. She dreamt , her surrounding discouraged her. She took action, she found the resistance from the society. Like any other girl, she wanted to make her dad & mom feel proud of her. Being a kid, Surabhi was active. She participated in what e...